It is understandable how you might feel this way. Basically you see yourself as worthless in at least some area of your life and because you see yourself as worthless, you think God sees you as worthless, but let me assure you, God does love you! “But why,” you might ask?
Good question! You see the big difference between people and God is that people often base their relationships on things like beauty, performance and personal gain, while God bases His love on the VALUE He created in us.
Look how the world creates its value system. Who makes the most money in the United States? Sports figures, celebrities, and musicians who entertain and perform for us. For most people, liking is about performance. If you perform well I like and value you, if you don’t, I don’t.
Most men are not initially attracted to a woman because of how smart she is. The attraction is usually physical before it develops into something else. We might like another person because of something we get in return: money, sex, or any other benefit.
The problem is we often try to make God out to be like one of us. You might think, “I have nothing to offer God, how could He possibly like me.”
The good news (that is what the word “gospel” means: good news) is that God doesn’t love you because of your beauty, your performance or what you can do for Him. He loves you based on something the world doesn’t even consider.
God Loves You Because You Are Valuable As a Unique Human Being
Listen to what a songwriter in the Old Testament said in a worship song to God …
“You [God] made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb. Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous and how well I know it. You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion, as I was woven together in the dark of the womb. You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book.” Psalms 139:13-16 NLT Bible
God loves you because He created you.
God loves you because He placed value in you.
God loves you because he sees past your faults and sins to the eternal potential you were created with.
God loves you because it is His eternal nature to love – He IS love personified.
You can see how God’s love for you does not depend on your performance or what can get out of you. It depends on WHO you are. The Bible tells us “God loved everyone in the entire world (including you) so much He sent His Son Jesus to die in our place.” (John 3:16).
To experience God’s love you only have to accept it. It is a person’s continued refusal to believe God’s love is bigger than their sin that keeps the love of God shut out. Open your heart. Believe that you have a God-given eternal value that Jesus thought was worth sacrificing Himself for.
Here is one way to pray, you could use or add your own words.
Jesus, I am sorry I have doubted you. I realize that I have value, even if I am a sinner. I believe your love is greater than my sin and I receive your love right now. Thank you for dying for me. Please forgive my sin and let me know you. I need to change and want to change, but I am powerless without your love to change me. Jesus, I believe you died and rose from the dead. Please save me now and for eternity. Amen!
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