Tag Archives: morality

Does the Bible Really Say Homosexuality is a Sin?

Does the Bible really say homosexuality (and other LGBTQ lifestyles) is a sin? This question is on a lot of people’s minds today. What people want to know is, can I be LGBTQ and still enjoy a relationship with God?  What does the Bible say? There is a short answer and a long answer. The short answer, while accurate, often leaves the wrong impression with people seriously looking for spiritual answers to these issues. The […]

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News Flash: Sex was God’s Idea

The way some people act you might think they invented Sex. The way some religious people act you would think that people invented sex and God really didn’t approve, but since it is the only way to get more people, He kind of tolerates it. The truth is GOD INVENTED SEX!  It was God’s idea.  He created the feeling, emotions and even the physical pleasure of sex.  He didn’t create a man and a woman, […]

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Talk To A Pastor

Need to talk? What’s on your heart? Just click here to get the conversation started. Talk to a Pastor is for anyone! Talk to a Pastor is for Christians and non-Christians, teens and adults, people who don’t know about God, people who are mad at God, and people who are not really sure they care one way […]

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