
The Mark of the Beast

Another question we get here at Talk to a Pastor concerns the Mark of the Beast – mentioned in the Book of Revelation. The end times are on a lot of people’s minds today. This article will give you the information you need to know about the Mark of the Beast. If you still have questions, please use the Talk to a Pastor Form to write to us. Misunderstanding the Mark of the Beast The “Mark […]

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Is Masturbation a Sin?

This is a question we get quite frequently here at Talk to a Pastor, so we decided to provide a scripted answer to some questions we get about masturbation and pornography. No. There is no scripture in the bible that says masturbation is a sin. Occasional masturbation, in and of itself, is not a sin. It is preferable to fornication. Masturbation, like many other things, may not be a sin, but they can lead to […]

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Does the Bible Really Say Homosexuality is a Sin?

Does the Bible really say homosexuality (and other LGBTQ lifestyles) is a sin? This question is on a lot of people’s minds today. What people want to know is, can I be LGBTQ and still enjoy a relationship with God?  What does the Bible say? There is a short answer and a long answer. The short answer, while accurate, often leaves the wrong impression with people seriously looking for spiritual answers to these issues. The […]

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Do People Who Commit Suicide Go To Hell?

If you are having suicidal thoughts we encourage you to call the National Suicide Prevention Hotline at 1-800-273-8255 right now to get help. Your life is important and there are other options besides suicide. It has been said that suicide is a permanent reaction to a temporary problem. Yet, many people struggle with this issue. Suicide SEEMS like a viable option only because they see no other way out. I say seems, because most suicidal […]

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What Must I Do to be Saved?

A Straight Answer to a Straight Question. If having your sins forgiven and going to heaven sounds good to you, you might be asking what you need to do to become a Christian. You’re in good company, for the last 2000 years, people have been asking that question.  The Apostle Paul (the guy who wrote many books of the New Testament) was in prison for preaching the Gospel.  One night the prison guard, thinking his […]

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Have I Committed the Unpardonable Sin?

Believe it or not, this is one question we get quite frequently here at Talk to a Pastor. Many people are concerned that, at some point in their life, they did something that God just could not forgive. It is a good and fair question and one that needs a good Biblical answer. There IS an unpardonable sin, but you probably haven’t committed it. The reason why is because the Bible tells us that the […]

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I Don’t Think God Likes Me, Let Alone Loves Me.

It is understandable how you might feel this way. Basically you see yourself as worthless in at least some area of your life and because you see yourself as worthless, you think God sees you as worthless, but let me assure you, God does love you!  “But why,” you might ask? Good question! You see the big difference between people and God is that people often base their relationships on things like beauty, performance and […]

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We’re Engaged: Why Wait for Sex?

Many unmarried couples who have a sense of morality struggle with the issues of sexuality.  On one hand, their upbringing, social consciousness, or religious teachings have taught them that sex before marriage is wrong or sinful.  On the other hand, they are inundated on a daily basis with sexual images, sexual talk, and encouragement from peers to have sex.  Let’s face it; we have become a sex-saturated society.  This society puts enormous pressure on couples […]

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Is that Thing We Like to do in Bed Okay with God?

(Note:  This article is for married couples who have questions about what God considers right and wrong in the bedroom.) Matt and Beth had been married 3 years when they became Christians.  They already enjoyed a passionate sexual relationship.  They joined a church and began to grow in their Christian lives.  At some point (and they really didn’t know where or how) they got the feeling that God kind of tolerated sex, but didn’t really […]

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Why We make Marriage Vows

The Marriage Covenant from the Biblical Perspective Dr. Steve Highlander Marriage has been a social institution in just about every society since the earliest times.  Marriage traditions and customs differ greatly from culture to culture, but nearly every culture has them. Have you ever wondered why marriage was culturally relevant; even in primitive societies?  Though the ages men and women of all races and religions have chosen to single out a time and place to […]

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