Category Archives: evangelism

What Must I Do to be Saved?

A Straight Answer to a Straight Question. If having your sins forgiven and going to heaven sounds good to you, you might be asking what you need to do to become a Christian. You’re in good company, for the last 2000 years, people have been asking that question.  The Apostle Paul (the guy who wrote many books of the New Testament) was in prison for preaching the Gospel.  One night the prison guard, thinking his […]

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I Don’t Think God Likes Me, Let Alone Loves Me.

It is understandable how you might feel this way. Basically you see yourself as worthless in at least some area of your life and because you see yourself as worthless, you think God sees you as worthless, but let me assure you, God does love you!  “But why,” you might ask? Good question! You see the big difference between people and God is that people often base their relationships on things like beauty, performance and […]

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Hasn’t Science Disproved God?

We live in an age and society of logical and rational thought. Due in part to our classical Greek and Roman influences, Western nations have become mesmerized with the power and answers found in science.  It is a study that permeates virtually every aspect of our society to the point that the scientific method is practically inseparable from our Western psyche. This has been both a major reason for our nation’s success and one of […]

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Talk To A Pastor

Need to talk? What’s on your heart? Just click here to get the conversation started. Talk to a Pastor is for anyone! Talk to a Pastor is for Christians and non-Christians, teens and adults, people who don’t know about God, people who are mad at God, and people who are not really sure they care one way […]

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Don’t Go to Hell for Something You Didn’t Do!

Nobody wants to get in trouble for something they didn’t do. However, did you know that it isn’t what you do that ultimately sends you to hell, but something you didn’t do. Confusing isn’t it? Well, that is why so many people have a hard time understanding and accepting God’s free gift of salvation. For one thing, they KNOW they have done a LOT of bad things (let’s go ahead and call them sins) and making up for those bad thi… …er…sins, seems rather […]

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